2023/24 Session Topics

Meeting Etiquette and How to Take Control In Any Forum

We delve into the art of navigating meetings with confidence and grace, ensuring you become a master of any meeting, be it virtual or in-person. We'll unveil the secrets to maintaining professionalism, active listening, and effective communication while being mindful of all participants. Learn to seize control of any forum, as we share strategies to assert your presence without overshadowing others. Embrace the power of body language, tone, and assertive speech to leave a lasting impression. Prepare to unleash your charisma and persuasive abilities, allowing you to lead discussions and steer them towards successful outcomes. Get ready to conquer any fears, project the tone of your projects, and command the attention of even the most skeptical of audiences.

How To Create Kick-Ass Show Formats

Dive deep into the realm of format innovation. We will unveil the magic of nurturing ideas with perseverance and strategic thinking. We'll explore the anatomy of successful shows, dissecting their unique elements to understand what makes them tick. Embrace the power of storytelling, audience engagement, and surprise twists that ignite the passion of viewers. Learn to push the boundaries of conventional thinking, daring to dream big and transform those dreams into reality. Unlock the secrets of crafting memorable hooks, dynamic visuals, and sensational twists that become the heart and soul of a great format. Whether it's a captivating competition show, a thrilling game show, or an innovative cooking show, we'll equip you with the tools to conceive, develop, and launch show formats that truly captivate. 

How to Be a Successful Producer in All Situations

We immerse ourselves in the multifaceted world of production, equipping you with the tools to thrive in any situation that comes your way. We will explore the keys to success that transcend boundaries and genres. Discover the art of adaptability, as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry. Learn to wear different hats, from creative visionary to meticulous planner, and from resourceful problem-solver to charismatic leader. Unleash your project management skills as we delve into budgeting, scheduling, and team coordination, ensuring smooth and efficient productions. Embrace the power of networking and collaboration to foster strong relationships with talents, crew members, and executives, creating an unstoppable network that propels your projects to greatness. Whether it's handling on-set challenges, negotiating deals, or championing original ideas, we'll empower you to make bold decisions and seize opportunities fearlessly. Arm yourself with a versatile skill set and an unwavering passion for storytelling on your exciting journey to becoming a successful producer in all situations.

How to Create Sales Tapes That Sell

Who doesn’t want to craft sales tapes that leave network executives spellbound and eager to greenlight your project. Master the unique storytelling, visuals, and persuasive techniques of the best sizzle reels that present your show's concept with irresistible allure. We'll explore the key elements of a winning sales tape, capturing the essence of your concept’s uniqueness and potential for success. Discover the power of a gripping teasers, perfect lean-forward sound bites, engrossing plot twists, and dynamic character introductions that resonate even after the reel has concluded. Embrace the art of conveying your show's target demographic, positioning, and competitive edge, ensuring network executives see its marketability and appeal. Learn to infuse your sales tape with authenticity and passion, giving network decision-makers a glimpse of the creative brilliance behind the project. From drama and comedy to reality and beyond, we'll equip you with the tools to create sales tapes that stand out in a competitive industry, paving the way for your success. 

The ins and outs of all things editing

Explore the fascinating world of editing and discover insights into how TV shows are brought to life in the edit bay. Immerse yourself in storytelling through cuts, transitions, and visual rhythms. We'll explore the role of an editor in shaping the narrative, amplifying emotions, and maintaining the show's pacing. Discover the power of selecting the perfect takes, crafting seamless sequences, and crafting a harmonious and impactful final product. Embrace the techniques and tricks of the trade from franken-biting to music mixing to visual effects to montage building. From drama series to reality TV, we'll uncover the specific requirements of each and plunge into different styles that cater to different audiences. We’ll even share insights into the editor’s mind so it’s easier to tackle all challenges, deal with every genre, and celebrate the triumphs of editing TV shows. 

How To Take Small Ideas and Make Them Network Size

Get ready to unleash the potential of your small ideas, as we delve into the art of transforming them into compelling content worthy of prime-time network TV and streaming platform main pages. We will explore strategies for expanding and refining your concepts, elevating them to a scale that captivates audiences worldwide. Learn the magic of storytelling, creative packaging, and innovative approaches to capture the attention of network and streaming executives. From concept development to crafting a pitch that resonates, we'll equip you with the tools to turn your small ideas into blockbuster productions that shine on the grand stage of prime-time television and the ever-growing landscape of streaming services.

How To Direct Real People

Learn how to harness the raw authenticity of real individuals to create captivating and relatable stories on screen. Learn to navigate the delicate balance between guiding your non-actors and drawing out genuine emotions to craft powerful, unscripted performances. Discover the art of active listening and empathy, allowing you to connect with your subjects on a profound level and unveil their untold stories. Embrace the power of improvisation, spontaneity, and collaboration as you encourage your cast to shine with their unique personalities. We'll explore various techniques to build trust and rapport with your subjects, enabling them to showcase their true selves without inhibition. From heartwarming documentaries to compelling docudramas, we'll equip you with the skills to capture the essence of real-life experiences and translate them into powerful narratives. Embark on an incredible journey of directing real people, where authenticity becomes your greatest tool, and your cast becomes your canvas for unforgettable storytelling. 

How To Best Handle Network Notes and Maintain Integrity

We dive into the delicate art of navigating the feedback process with finesse and staying true to your creative vision. Learn to embrace network notes as a powerful tool for elevating your work while preserving your vision. We'll explore effective strategies for receiving and interpreting feedback, transforming it into a catalyst for innovation rather than a hindrance. Learn how to balance constructive criticism with integrity and have collaborative discussions with network executives that turn them into enthusiastic creative partners and not embittered adversaries. Embrace the power of diplomacy and persuasion to champion your ideas while respecting the needs of the network. We'll equip you with techniques to find common ground, bridge the gap between visions, and forge a creative synergy that transcends expectations. Whether you're working on television shows, films, or digital content, we'll empower you to navigate the intricacies of the industry without compromising your artistic desires. 

How to Convince People to Work For You

Time to win hearts and secure talent for your project? Unleash your charisma, negotiation skills, and passion for storytelling to entice potential participants. We'll delve into the essence of building meaningful connections and trust, enabling you to approach talent with authenticity and respect. Discover the power of crafting compelling pitches that showcase the unique and exciting aspects of your ideas, igniting the spark of interest in potential collaborators. Learn to identify what motivates individuals to join your project, be it creative freedom, career growth, or a chance to make a positive impact on audiences. Embrace the art of addressing concerns and objections, turning them into opportunities to demonstrate your dedication and professionalism. From actors and hosts to crew members and guest experts, we'll equip you with the techniques to showcase the value of being part of your production. 

Understanding the process from soup to color correction

We'll introduce you to the dynamic eco-system of post-production in order to elevate your project to new heights. Discover the magic of manipulating soundscapes, layering audio tracks, and creating immersive sound experiences that elevate the storytelling. Unleash your creativity as we explore the intricacies of color grading, transforming raw footage into captivating visual masterpieces that evoke emotions. Dive into the world of visual effects, learning to add that extra touch of magic and realism to your projects. From technical skills to creative insights, we'll guide you through the entire post-production pipeline, ensuring you're fully equipped to tackle any challenge that comes your way.  By gaining practical insights into the post-production process, you will emerge a more versatile and skilled producer.